Dermal Filler Before Care

The goal of dermal filler before care is to obtain optimal treatment results.

  • Avoid vaccinations, procedures or dental work two weeks prior to and after dermal filler

  • If you are pregnant or nursing, you cannot have dermal fillers

  • If you have any autoimmune disorders or neurological disorders, clearance from your primary care physician will be required

  • If you have had Covid or a viral infection within the past month, please notify our office

  • If you have an active coldsore or any infection, you cannot have dermal filler. If you have any flu-like symptoms or active inflammatory processes (hives, cysts, rashes, coldsores), you will need to reschedule your appointment. If you have a history of cold sores, please obtain a prescription for a prophylactic antiviral medication from your primary care physician. We suggest Valtrex 500 mg twice (generic is fine a day for 5 days starting two days prior to your appointment

  • To minimize bruising, please avoid any blood thinning medications such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen or over-the-counter supplements. DO NOT stop any blood thinners or prescription medications without checking with your primary care physician first

  • Avoid alcoholic beverages for a minimum of 24 hours prior to your appointment

  • Avoid topical products such as Retin A or Retinols for two days prior to your appointment

  • Arnica may be taken to help minimize bruising. Please follow the package instructions.