Neurotoxin Aftercare

The goal of Neurotoxin aftercare is to obtain optimal results

  • You may return to work or school the day of your treatment

  • AVOID any strenuous activity for 24 hours as this can potentially spread the toxin to unintended treatment areas and reduce the effectiveness to the treatment site

  • It is safe to continue normal facial expression such as frowning, smiling and raising your eyebrows

  • Avoid applying skincare and makeup to the treated area for 24 hours. This can potentially disperse the toxin to unwanted areas

  • Remain upright for four hours

  • Don’t touch your face - This includes professional massages and facials

  • Avoid sun exposure, tanning beds, hot tubs, saunas and hot showers for four hours

  • Avoid ball caps or constricting hats for 24 hours after your treatment

  • It’s typical to have redness, possible tenderness and swelling at the injection site that can last up to one day

  • Although bruising is not common, it can happen. This should go away in about two weeks

  • Please allow two full weeks for your neurotoxin to settle

  • Return for your two week follow-up appointment and photos